Kitchen towels might be one of the very germ laden in the house, subjected to all kinds of food substances and bacteria. The longer the same towel is used between washings, the more the bacteria breeds, potentially spreading back on your hands or about items you wipe with the towel. Frequently wash towels in warm water to keep them tidy.
Kitchen Cleanliness
Your kitchen towel might be used to dry dishes, wipe your fingers or wipe up spilled water on the countertop — sometimes all three. This amounts to a lot of bacteria that has been multiply the longer the towel stays around the kitchen, particularly if the towel is moist. Wash it in the hottest water possible and dry it on a popular setting to kill bacteria. In case the towels smell less than fresh, add a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle. The vinegar helps remove odors like powerful food or grease smells. Use the towels for just a day each. Wash them collectively, ideally without other laundry, to avoid cross-contamination.