Weeping birch (Betula pendula)–also also known as silver birch–is a member of the European white birch family, with slender, pendulous branches–hence the title–that include colour and graceful movements to the house landscape. The trees thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant-hardiness zones 3 to 6, and can experience sunburn in exceptionally warm, sunny climate. Diseases and insects are a difficulty for weeping trees. Keep the tree healthy with appropriate water, fertilizer, air pruning and circulation. A tree generally recovers and can withstand small infections and infestations.
Aphids and Scale Bugs
Scale insects and aphids have sucking, piercing mouth parts which they insert to the juicy interior part of weeping tree foliage as a straw and stems. Aphids are tiny, shaped just like a pear and could be brown, green, yellow, red or black. They cause distortion of the leaves of the birch tree and a few species of aphid viruses. The shield shaped scale is generally identified on trees but does little harm. This insect is only several millimeters recognizable and long convex shell that seems like frost, by the waxy. The insect excretes quantities of sticky honey-dew and hides beneath this shell. Honeydew will host sooty mould development and attracts ants. To rid your tree of aphids and scale insects, try knocking them off the tree from your garden hose having a hard spray of water every couple of days. Treat huge infestation with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Nitrogen- fertilizer encourages aphids to to breed, so use it.
Caterpillars are larvae of moths or butterflies, and several species pose a significant risk to weeping trees. Western poplar clearwing, carpenterworm and foliage- feeding caterpillars injury foliage or bore to the tree to feed and lay eggs, weakening branches and limbs and occasionally killing the tree. Damage varies by species; the leaves are skeletonized by some while the others roll the leaves defoliate whole limbs or spin webs. Prune a way broken or infested limbs and foliage. Egg masses that are scrape off the bark to destroy them. The infestation will be generally controlled by beneficial predatory bugs. Poison young, susceptible caterpillars with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Consult your local extension support for suggestions about managing bugs that are certain.
Birch borers and borers lay their eggs beneath the the bark of the birch tree. When the larvae hatch, they feed on the wood and bore deeper to the tree to pupate before consuming back their way through to reduce Ad- . Adult birch borer beetles are about 1/2 inch-long and have a metallic bronze colour. Flatheaded borer adults really are a copper, black, green or blue colour. Borer larvae are flat, extended and light colored. Borers assault trees that are pressured or wounded. Prune branches that are impacted in cold temperatures or the drop and remove plant particles. Use pesticides only on large infestations. Follow label guidelines watchfully.
Fungal Infections
Often lumped underneath the title anthracnose, several type s of infections assault weeping trees. These infections may damage stems and leaves, creating damp- seeking lesions. Armillaria also referred to as oak root fungus, kills the foot of the tree-trunk together with essential roots to die. Symptoms generally seem in the most effective of the tree with discolored, branches and falling leaves. Mushrooms may possibly increase in the foot of the tree, which is still another indication of oak root fungus. Rust, as the title suggests, causes places on the foliage of the birch tree that appear like the leaf is rusting. This infection can trigger branches and leaves to die. Proper analysis is essential to appropriate treatment of weeping tree illnesses. Contact your neighborhood co-operative extension support off-ice for details on getting an analysis and therapy recommendations to save your valuable tree.
Disease Prevention
Many spores re-produce and travel in water. Water the trees in the bottom, therefore the dampness is absorbed to the bottom before sundown, and attempt to time watering. Prune afflicted elements of the tree a way. Gather cuttings and other plant debris and get rid of it away from your garden. Disinfect all pruning resources between cuts.