How Long Should I Cut Grass on New Sod?

Sod is an investment as well as a project. Not only must you carefully rake, amend and moisten the subsurface, but additionally there are endless rolls of sod to carry and fit together in an awesome layout with edges and corners neatly fit together. Cutting too soon can split expensive sod and awaiting too late may make a mess, even wasting time as well as money.

Green Grow the Grasses

Sod can represent a major investment, so use locally grown sod that’s been cut over the last 24 hours. Local sod has grown on similar ground and will adapt to a dirt with less trouble than sod grown elsewhere. If sod appears dry or yellow, roots may be too dry to recover. A moist subsurface nurtures roots and promotes growth. Sod laid under good conditions and kept moist with 1/2 inch of water every day should attach firmly to the subsoil and be prepared to mow in about 14 days. Roots not maintained consistently moist take more time to initiate and maintain vigorous growth.

Too Soon or Too Late

Mowing sod too soon can tear it up and waiting too long can leave you with grass too much time to cut in 1 pass. If your sod gives in to a tug along a border at the end of 14 days, it requires more to bond with its new home. If you need to wait, it’s possible your new grass may grow too long. However long it rises, remove no more than one-third the period of the grass blades each time you mow.

Keep It Light

You’re going to be cautioned to maintain the dog and kids off fresh sod, but when it comes to mowing, a light touch is imperative. Mowing is more or less abusive to grass. Never use a lawn mower on new sod. It’s weight and strength of the big rotary blade will compress and rip up sod rolls. Use a push rotary or reel mower to minimize abuse to turf. Set the mower high to begin with and move down it to the recommended height for the grass range of your sod over a span of weeks. Longer grass blades shade origins, allowing them to grow stronger and longer.

Grass Length

Cool-season grass mixes look and develop best when maintained from 2 to 2-1/2 inches long. Using the one third rule, even if sod grass rises to 3 inches, then you may safely cut it around 2 inches. On the other hand, if it requires more time or rises faster than anticipated, cut it to 3 to 3-1/2 inches and mow it down to 2 to 2-1/2 inches the next day.

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