One of the main concerns when losing your job is the ability to pay for your rent and keep a roof on your head. Getting unemployment benefits is useful, but usually the amount that you’re entitled to every month is significantly less than what you’re making at your work. Legally, your landlord has the capability to alter your lease if you both agree to the alterations; however, he’s under no obligation to do so. Method your neighbor from a company standpoint to negotiate a decrease in rent till you get back on your feet.
Figure out how much money you can set aside for rent every month. Cut your expenses down to only requirements, including your telephone bill and food. Subtract that number from your total unemployment income to see what you have available for rent. Factor in any severance money which you received or any money which you have in a savings account if applicable.
Make a proposition to your landlord. Explain your financial situation, and let your landlord know how much you can reasonably pay monthly for rent while unemployed. Let your landlord know your task status is temporary and that the reduction will ideally only be for three to six months, for example.
Offer to work out a payment plan for the missed rent as soon as you’re gainfully employed. Determine approximately how much money you expect to underpay within a certain length of time. For instance, possibly you’re asking for a rent reduction of $300 monthly for six weeks, that might be a total of $1,800. Explain your proposed repayment plan, such as you may pay your normal rent amount plus $180 monthly for 10 months. Place the terms in writing so he sees you’re serious.
Ask if you’re able to work for the decrease in rent by doing cleaning, cleaning or doing maintenance work across the property. Propose an hourly or fixed cost per job and specific hours that you’re available to work. Place the conditions in writing, and sign the file with your landlord. Have your landlord sign off on a reception after every completed job.