Fencing doesn’t have to be constructed of conventional materials such as wood, rocks or bricks. There are creative alternatives available, such as artificial plants or leaves made of plastic or silk. Fences may look just like the plants in the surrounding landscape, or else they can imitate greenery where it is not normally possible to develop plants because of the lack or available water. It’s possible to create an environment which looks green and refreshing and that needs little upkeep using artificial greenery. Before installing any artificial fence or display, check local ordinances because they may prohibit or restrict the usage of artificial greenery in the landscape.
Freestanding Artificial Plants
Freestanding artificial plants can easily be used as fencing if they are tall enough and thick enough. If you merely need a display for privacy or to disguise a less desirable landscape facet, plants such as bamboo or small palms might be a great selection. These plants don’t provide complete cover and still allow transmission. However, occasionally complete coverage is needed for solitude. In this instance, thick columnar evergreen-like artificial plants much like arborvitae or cypress could be good options. For lower hedge-like fences, artificial boxwood or photinia would be the best selections.
In case you have an current fence, you could have the ability to weave artificial vines in and out of their holes and spaces. This works best using cyclone fences or similar types. Just about any vining plant will work for this objective. The most frequent plant is probably English ivy, but other plants can also be acceptable for this purpose. Pothos, philodendron and grape vines are appealing choices. Flowering vines add a touch of color if used sensibly; take care not to overwhelm with too much color. Wisteria, fuchsia or bougainvillea are nice selections for this objective.
Carpets, Nets
Some artificial greenery comes in carpets or nets. The greenery is woven into a net or attached to your net. It is possible to drape these carpets of greenery over fences or other objects, or use them as groundcover. These carpets require some kind of support and will not stand by themselves. A well-known example is artificial turfthat has many uses outside its regular use as a bud substitute.
Panels, Mats
Panels and couches are sections of artificial greenery which you can assemble into planks, forms or topiaries. Often, greenery attaches to your stiff background that could range from rigid plastic to galvanized steel cable. It is possible to assemble them to planks, hedges or decorative displays. Some mats have built-in mechanics for attaching one panel to the other, but some need separate hardware. They frequently require a frame of some kind to provide form and stability.