The best way to Squirrel Proof that a Bird Feeder Post

Tree squirrels can be interesting to observe as they scamper up trees and over telephone lines, stopping only long enough to daringly hop over obstacles. However, for birds reliant on bird feeders, these agile mammals often spell trouble. Squirrels may seize upon bird feeders, consuming the contents and running birds from their food sources. Squirrel-proofing bird feeders on articles can be tough, but there are several ways to keep squirrels from consuming seed intended for your feathered friends.

Provide squirrels with a different feeder stocked with foods they prefer to birdseed. Fill feeders with peanuts in the shell and cracked corn, or hang dried corn cobs on trees from bird feeders.

Trim back limbs on trees which are overhanging bird feeders to stop squirrels from launching from these branches onto the feeders. Eliminate anything which could function as a launching pad within approximately ten feet of the feeder or relocate your feeder from structures and trees.

Attach an 18-inch-diameter squirrel baffle — accessible garden centres — 2 feet below each of your bird feeders by snapping it around the pole so the opening is facing the bird feeder. Insert a moveable sleeve into the pole 6 to 8 feet above the ground to prevent squirrels from climbing.

Add a few tablespoons of cayenne pepper or red pepper seeds into the feeder to further discourage any squirrels which might have been able to outwit your obstacle course. Maintain your squirrel feeders transported to further distract these continual mammals from bird feeders.

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