How to Fix a Concrete Front Stoop

Common in many homes, concrete stoops are rather durable, but can crumble and become broken, ugly and even dangerous when exposed to high traffic, icy and weathering. Most damage, though, can be repaired without going to the cost of replacing the whole stoop. Whether the stoop just has a couple of cracks, the corners have started to crumble or an whole step has to be replaced, then do-it-yourselfers can restore the attractiveness and durability of the front stoop with the proper tactics and techniques.

Remove any loose concrete in the areas to be repaired. Use a hammer and chisel to chip away at the area until you can’t remove any additional concrete with no overly exerting yourself and all remaining cement is solid and intact. Sweep away the consequent debris and dust and then spray down the area with a garden hose.

Construct forms around the regions to be repaired using plywood. Normally, L-shaped types work best on stairs. Support and hold the forms in place with bricks or other heavy objects.

Combine the concrete mix with water based on the product’s directions. Stir using a scoop until the desired consistency is attained.

Apply bonding agent to areas being repaired with a paintbrush so as to create the optimum adhesion between the new and old concrete. Pour the concrete mix into the types and use a trowel to perform the mix into smaller regions and shape the cement where essential. Run a wooden float above the moist concrete to achieve as smooth a finish as possible.

Cover the area being repaired using a plastic drop cloth. Weight the drop cloth with stone or bricks to keep it in position. Lightly spray the newly poured concrete once daily while it cures. Refer to this product’s literature for heal time.

Employ concrete resurfacer to the whole stoop so as to create a consistent colour and texture. Mix the resurfacer using water based on the product’s directions and apply a thin layer using a wooden float.

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